Open Banking
Use our APIs to reach ICA Banken's 1 000 000+ bank customers!
Create great digital services and customer experiences together with us using our Open banking APIs. Start building, testing and integrating your services with ICA Banken already today.

Our APIs
Available APIs in our developer portal are Account information and Payment initiation, both as Production and Sandbox APIs. You can also find the documentation that covers general instructions as well as APIs functional and technical descriptions.
To explore the APIs available, please go to Developer Portal.
How to get started
- Explore our APIs
- Sign up here for a devloper account and start testing in our sandbox.
- Test
- Go live in production
Help Center
We are here to answer your questions about Open Banking.
The most frequently asked questions about Open Banking.
Latest news!
Read the latest news and information about our systems.
API statistics
Quarterly statistics reports on our APIs.
Getting started is easy
Go to our Developer Portal to explore our APIs and technical documentation. No login is required to view this.
After you explored our APIs, sign up here to get a developer account.
Start testing and in our current version of Sandbox APIs, no authorization is needed for testing APIs. In order to test the APIs, you need to follow these steps.
Go live with your work. Our APIs are available in production with access to real customer data*
*You need to have a license from a Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) within the EU and a technical certificate (type Qwac), from a Qualified Trusted Service Provider (QTSP) to be able to access our payment related APIs in production. Contact your local FSA for further information.
Why you should work with us
Reach our customers
Reach our more than 1 000 000+ bank customers - create great services and new revenue streams.
Documented APIs
Well-structured and documented APIs, built according to industry standards - for quick and seamless integration with your services.
Oauth 2.0 and TLS are two of the ways we ensure that your services and our customers are well protected.
Use our sandbox to test and verify your applications and services including the integration towards our APIs.